Category Archives: Hangover
You’re welcome,
“Searching for a Hangover Cure.”
Psst… The Search is Over!
This what KYOOR has been advocating all along…
Chinese scientists have been conducting tests on what type of drinks consumed after drinking alcohol can reduce the influnce of hangover related symptoms. The adverse effects of alcohol are thought to be caused by Continue reading
Researching Hangovers

In our attempt to look for the story on the truth about hangovers from the same publication, The Sunday Times, who knew what a difference 3 dots can make…
KYOOR is not going to be able to help with the 2nd article. That’s more of an 18 year long hangover.
“Killer Hangover?”
Such Language… SMH

Tsk, tsk, Time. Those words are NOT part of our vocabulary – not on KYOOR‘s watch. Time wrote that wine drinkers could be heavy handed when it comes to pouring wine:
Those asked to serve themselves a normal glass of white wine into a clear glass dished out 9% more than when pouring red wine, researchers warned. What’s more, wide glasses received around 12% more than standard receptacles. And topping up your tipple in-hand adds yet another 12% compared to using a table or countertop.
Best Advice: Hold a w-i-d-e glass and ask for a white wine throughout the evening. KYOOR the end of your night and there will be no need for such language when you wake up.
Raise a glass to Iowa State and Cornell
Healthy Competition: Gatorade vs. Water

Raise a glass to Men’s Health Magazine.
Hangover Ramen?
I read “Hangover Ramen” but after that all I heard was pork, bacon, pork, pork…
Social Eatz is offering an enticing bowl of ramen, meant to brighten your night of drinking.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, Social Eats has closed. 😥
Raise a glass to Thrillist
Sunday Morning Brunch (in Montreal)
Why only limit hangover meals to Sunday & more importantly, if we’re talking about places in Montreal, why isn’t there ONE mention of poutine? Well, the places and food mentioned in the article still makes me hungry, even without a hangover.
Raise a glass to The Suburban
Let the Jameson sink in
Seems Rhi Rhi might have let too many Jamesons sink in. I know eatin’s cheatin’ but what about needing a hospital visit for a hangover? Raise a glass to minute15